
Leaders in Resonance - Mountain Retreat

"Disconnect to reconnect" timout in the mountains to strengthen your self-confidence and your self-awareness. 

Finding out, what is essential to you. What is the message of your "I" as an invitation to the "we"?

rEvolution through inner transformation for leaders of today and tomorrow. 

A mountain retreat im the Senderstal valley / Tirol (Austria)

... more than an ordinary training:

Following the maxim: "disconnect to reconnect" you will have the chance to know yourself from a new, deeper place on a more holistic and sustainable scale.

Is the leaders in resonance mountain retreat the right thing at the right time for me?

  • The assuming of responsibility plays a large part in your life?
  • You are a leader. You want more from life and would like to really see your effect in the world?
  • Achieving goals is not enough for you.You feel you can do more than simply deliver. YOU demand more meaning, more development, more out of the box thinking, more sustainability?
  • You’d like to be more effective through understanding life on various levels and shaping it more consciously.
  • You want to discover what you truly desire, where your true passions lie.
  • You know that only a change of perspective on the inside can bring about a change on the outside.
  • You are noticing a social shift. Human intelligence has never been so decisive in shaping a sustainable future.
  • You want to be part of this transformation: and it begins with and in you ...
  • You want to bolster yourself, your own perceptions, your self-image, your self-confidence and your drive.
  • You recognise mother nature as a good teacher in your own personal development and are ready to go beyond into unknown territory.

Recognize yourself in this? Feel inspired? Give yourself the gift of some time and attention. This is after all YOUR time.

What can you expect from the Leaders in Resonance Mountain Retreat?

  • Days spent with yourself, time being there for yourself.
  • The opportunity to listen in a renewed and deeper way, both to yourself and others.
  • An understanding of the principles of development, and the upcoming steps in your own development.
  • Experiment accessing your inner voice.
  • To experience nature in a harmonious blended way.
  • Two 1:1 coaching sessions for your indivdual development (one during the retreat, and one within three months of its end as a transition)
  • A refreshing mix of groupwork, individual quiet time, and walks among the uplifting and inspiring landscape of the mountains.
  • Experiences of leading and being lead.
  • A community of leaders spending time together, in resonance with each other and in a small group (max. 12 people).
  • Time and attention for you, because you sense that it’s hightime right NOW.

More details and booking 
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Early bird

until 10.07.2020
 670 ,- €

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